Reverend Weaver speaker to a gathering


May 18, 2021: Meeting with the Chairperson of the Pan African Movement Chapter in Rwanda, Mr. Protais Musoni along with Pan African Collective (PAC) Founder and President, Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Weaver and Ms. Mukanama Clemence, Legal Representative of Pan African Collective (Rwanda Chapter).

Medical mission

Medical mission


PAC Board members at embassy day in Washington DC

Former Georgetown University and NBA Star Jerome Williams, Rev. Weaver, President Alpha Conde, Ambassador of Guinea to The. US, Kerfalla Yansane.

Reception in honor of President Alpha Conde of Guinea, Tuesday, September 17, 2019, held at Prince George’s Community College, Largo, Maryland, sponsored by the Pan African Collective.

From left to right: Robert Dozier, President & CEO, RWD Consulting and member of Greater Mt, Nebo AME Church and the Pan African Collective, Rev. Jonathan Weaver, President of the Pan African Collective and Pastor of Greater Mt. Nebo AME Church; Rev. Sarmento, Pastor, AME Church in Luanda, Angola; Rev. Dr. Adrien Ngudiankama, Pastor, Salem Church, Silver Spring, MD; Al Hawkins, President & CEO, Millman Systems and Pan African Collective Member; and Stan Conley, President & CEO, Kyros Energy, dur

From left to right: Official of the Angolan Ministry of Telecommunications, Stan Conley, Rev. Dr. Adrien Ngudiankama, Robert Dozier, Rev. Dr. Jonathan Weaver, Angolan Minister of Telecommunications, Ministry Official, Al Hawkins. Meeting held with the Minister and his staff on Thursday, July 5.

Pastor Weaver and Robert Dozier, President and CEO of RWD Consulting, and member of Greater Mt. Nebo AME Church and the Pan African Collective, standing in front of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the World in Luanda, Angola, Friday, July 6, 2019

Maureen Bunyan, longtime news broadcaster in the Washington area; Honorable Monica N. Nashandi, the Ambassador for Namibia to The United States; and Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Weaver, Pastor, Greater

President of the Republic of Guinea, Professor Alpha Conde, Rev. Jonathan L. Weaver, Founder & President, Pan African Collective and Board Member of Mercy Ships, and Don Stephens, Founder and President Emeritus of Mercy Ships, at a dinner hosted by President Alpha Conde for Mercy Ships Board Members on Wednesday, May 22 at the Presidential Residence, Conakry, Guinea.

Mercy Ships board of Directors meeting with President of the Republic of Guinea, Professor Alpha Conde